
How to Pronounce the "V" Sound in English

Learn how to confidently pronounce the challenging English "V" sound and improve your overall English accent. In this guide, we'll show you the ideal mouth and tongue positioning for the "V" sound in all positions within a word, and share tips and exercises to help you correct mispronunciations. You can master the "V" pronunciation as you progress through your English journey!
January 18, 2024
Ron Carlos
Ron Carlos
Speech & Accent Coach at BoldVoice
In this article
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Do you have a problem pronouncing words that feature the "V" sound? Don't feel badly if you do - the "V" sound is easily one of the most mispronounced sounds in English, since it's absent in many other languages. While some dialects may feature a similar sound, the exact articulation and acoustics may differ. In order to achieve clarity in articulation when speaking English however, you must know how to pronounce the "V" sound. This sound is a small, yet extremely important, element that makes up an effective American English accent. 

This guide is designed to help you communicate clearly by pronouncing the "V" sound correctly. To eliminate miscommunications, enhance your interpersonal relationships, and contribute to your confidence as an English speaker, it is important that you speak articulately. Join us as we explore common mispronunciations and suggest practical activities to improve your "V" pronunciation skills.

What is the "V" Sound in English?

In order to know how to pronounce the "V" sound in English, it's integral to understand that we use the sound in many ways. While "V" typically refers to a singular sound, usage depends on where it shows up in a word. Let’s take a look at how to pronounce this sound based on its location within a given word.

Word-Initial "V"

The most common variant of the "V" sound is having it appear in the beginning of a word. To pronounce the "V" sound at the beginning of a word, bring your upper front teeth to your lower lip and create a slight opening for airflow, allowing a gentle vibration between your upper teeth and lower lip.

Some examples of words that start with the "V" sound include:

  • "Vacation"
  • "Vivid"
  • "Victory"
  • "Vehicle"
  • "Volume"

Word-Medial "V"

When the "V" sound appears in the middle of words, we maintain the same mouth position as word-initial "V." The goal, however, is a seamless transition, sustaining the airflow and vibration throughout the word. For example:

  • "Revolve"
  • "Survive"
  • "Devotion"
  • "Elevator"
  • "Evergreen"
  • "Adventure"

Review this video for more guidance on maintaining airflow and vibration while making the "V" sound.

Word-Final "V"

Pronouncing the "V" sound at the end of a word retains the same mouth positioning as in the other placements. You must, however, maintain the sound so that it is voiced at the end of the word. Sometimes, non-native speakers substitute it with a voiceless sound like "F" or omit the "V" sound altogether. Below are some examples of the word-final "V" sound:

  • "Love"
  • "Live"
  • "Above"
  • "Move"
  • "Dive"

Try to listen to native speakers and mimic their pronunciation of the "V" sound at the end of words. In this interview between Stephen Colbert and Michelle Obama, there are several examples, including at at 2:17 when he says "I only have one."

Common "V" Mispronunciations and How to Correct Them

Besides general difficulties making the "V" sound, non-native speakers might have a tendency to want to substitute "V"  with another sound that feels more familiar. We'll cover two of the most common substitutions in this section, involving "W" and "B."

The '"V/W" Confusion

One common pitfall in mastering how to pronounce the "V" sound in English is confusing it with the "W" sound. Certain non-native speakers, like Germans for example, tend to mistakenly replace the "V" sound with the "W" sound because their native language does not feature the "V" sound as it exists in English.

While both the "V" and "W" sounds involve bringing the upper teeth close to the lower lip, the difference between the "V" and W" sounds is in the lip form. "W" requires rounded lips, as if you're pouting or blowing a kiss. We find this sound in words like "window," "watch," "wow," and "when."

"V," on the other hand, involves the lips being unrounded, and the bottom lip making contact with the upper front teeth. Recognizing this difference is crucial for non-native speakers to avoid potential mispronunciations. In order to improve your pronunciation and avoid making this common error, practice with minimal pairs that focus on the "V" and "W" sounds. For example, the pairs "went" and "vent" or "wine" and "vine."

The "V/B" Confusion

Another challenge with the "V" sound for non-native speakers of English is distinguishing it from "B." Spanish speakers, for example, tend to replace English "V" sounds with "B" sounds since, in the Spanish language, the letter "V" is represented by a sound that is very similar to the English "B."

In English, "V" is a fricative. This means that the sound is produced through friction. "B," however, is a plosive, meaning that the sound is produced by completely blocking the airflow before ultimately releasing that air in a single sound.

To improve your distinction between the "B" and "V" sounds in English, practice using minimal pairs like "vein" and "bane" or "vent" and "bent."

How to Improve Your Pronunciation of the English "V" Sound

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Mirror Practice

This exercise is easy and very effective for personal learning. You simply stand in front of a mirror and engage in focused practice. Pronounce words with the "V" sound, observing your mouth and tongue positioning to ensure correct technique. The mirror serves as instant feedback, helping you to self-assess as you refine your pronunciation.

Minimal Pairs

You can articulate "V" sounds in words by practicing minimal pairs. If you notice you have particular trouble with "V" sounds and another specific sound, for instance the "B" or "W" confusion as mentioned earlier, you can focus your minimal pairs exercises on that weak point.

Some helpful minimal pairs for the letter "V" include "veil" and "whale," "vat" and "bat," "vote" and "boat," or "vein" and "feign."

Word List Drill

If you want to know how to pronounce the "V" sound in English, you need to use words that feature the sound more often.  It's all about practice! Think about all of the English words you know that have "V" sounds in them. The sound could be at the beginning, the center, or the end of these words. Next, compile them into a list, no matter how lengthy the list might be. Your task is to regularly practice pronouncing these words, emphasizing correct mouth and tongue placement. This targeted drill enhances versatility in your pronunciation.

Tongue Twisters

Tongue twisters are sentences that feature a series of similar sounds, making them fantastic tools for refining pronunciation of problem areas. Repeating these challenging sequences helps to train the muscles of the mouth and tongue to move with precision. It is therefore helpful to incorporate tongue twisters that emphasize the "V" sound into your routine. For example:

  • "Victor's velvet vest was very valuable."
  • "Valiantly, Veronica ventured to view the vast volcanic valley."

These playful pronunciation practice exercises not only enhance your skills but also contribute to improved overall articulation and speech fluency.

Record and Evaluate

Take advantage of technology as you learn how to correctly pronounce the "V" sound in English. Record yourself on your mobile device or an English pronunciation app as you say words that have a "V" sound and listen to the recordings. Does your "V" nearly as good as a native speaker? If not, pinpoint whatever error you have made, no matter how subtle. This self-evaluation helps identify areas for improvement, allowing you to track your progress over time.

Pro tip: remember to save and accumulate your recordings for later as tangible evidence to celebrate your progress.

Master the "V" Sound with BoldVoice

When polishing your langauge skills, every sound matters. Mastering individual sounds like the "V" sound contributes to clear speech and a meticulous accent. This, in turn, results in confident communication, positive perceptions, and professional success

To know how to pronounce the "V" sound in English confidently, focus on the mouth positioning that we have addressed in this guide. Once you achieve the correct mouth positioning, use minimal pairs exercises to fine-tune your pronunciation and avoid any incorrect substitutions that you may struggle with. Make use of the practical exercises suggested in this guide as you continue on your journey to the perfect American accent.

In addition to those exercises, BoldVoice is here to make the journey seamless and worthwhile. BoldVoice is an all-encompassing accent training platform that does a great job of helping you plan your lessons. They also provide instant feedback, instruction from real Hollywood speech coaches, and regular assessment of your pronunciation level. Take the next step toward impeccable pronunciation by downloading the app today.

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Ron Carlos
Ron Carlos
Speech & Accent Coach at BoldVoice
About the author
Ron Carlos is a Hollywood voice, speech, and dialect coach based in Los Angeles, California. He received his Master’s in Voice and Speech at Harvard University, and taught speech and dialects at the Yale School of Drama. Ron has coached performers on productions including Netflix, Marvel, and Broadway. Ron is a Head Coach on the BoldVoice app.
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