
How to Speak English Like a Native Speaker: 12 Strategies for Success

This guide offers 12 practical steps to sound like a native English speaker, covering accent choices, mouth movements, vocabulary expansion, and pronunciation exercises. Use this as your roadmap to confident and fluent English communication.
October 19, 2023
Eliza Simpson
Eliza Simpson
Speech & Accent Coach at BoldVoice
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English, one of the world's most widely spoken languages, comes in various flavors and accents, depending on where you are in the world. Sounding like a native English speaker is a journey that involves a combination of language skills, cultural understanding, and practical techniques Whether you're an English learner striving for fluency or a non-native speaker looking to refine your accent, this 12 step guide will help you master the art of sounding like a native English speaker.

1. Pinpoint the English Accent You Want to Learn

One of the first steps on your journey to sounding like a native English speaker is to identify the specific English accent you want to master. Whether it's the rich tones of British English, the clear cadence of the General American accent, or any other regional accent, having a clear goal in mind will guide your efforts. There are many English accents, and each comes with its unique set of sounds, intonations, pronunciations, and idiomatic expressions. By pinpointing the native accent you want to learn, you can tailor your approach and focus your efforts more effectively.

2. Learn the Mouth Movements of Native English Speakers

Understanding the tongue and mouth positions for English sounds is key to achieving correct pronunciation. Like with any language, the most common sounds are not limited to the individual vowels and consonants, but rather require a combination of them to pronounce words and sentences fluidly. 

Visual cues can be very helpful for solidifying your mastery of these sounds. See the illustrations below for guidance on where to move your tongue when you're making the EE or /i/ sound.

tongue positions for american sounds

You may notice that tongue placement and airflow are essential to creating the appropriate timing for English sounds. Be sure to practice making these correct movements by doing isolation exercises to strengthen the muscle memory in your lips and tongue. This will make a huge difference in your pronunciation.

Check out the video below for an exercise that will get the muscles in your lips strong, so you can make clear EE and AA sounds that will help you learn the American accent.

You can also pay close attention to the mouths of native speakers as they speak, or your own in front of a mirror. This is a helpful way to properly learn the positions.

3. Do Pronunciation Exercises

Clear English pronunciation is absolutely essential to sounding like a native speaker. To enhance your fluency, start to regularly incorporate pronunciation exercises into your language learning routine. These drills should focus on specific sounds, rhythm, and intonation patterns. Consistent practice is the best way to achieve accurate pronunciation, and these exercises will contribute to more fluent and authentic English.

One fun activity is to practice syllable stress that can change the meaning of English words, like in the examples below.

4. Mimic Native Speakers

Imitating native speakers is a powerful and effective way to learn the nuances of native pronunciation and start to sound like a native English speaker. Start to consume a digital diet of English movies, TV shows,  podcasts, and audiobooks. Pay attention to native speakers in your everyday interactions as well, taking note of their pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, and even their body language. Check out Australian actress Margot Robbie's holistic approach to learning regional English accents.  

If it helps inspire you, pretend you're an actor and you've been cast as a character who's a native English speaker. Mimicking is part of your acting preparation, and it will help you achieve native-level English for your big role! You can start by shadowing native speakers, repeating what they say as closely as possible in terms of pronunciation and intonation. And you can even try Margot Robbie's approach of incorporating body postures into your accent training.

By consistently imitating these elements native speakers, you'll gradually absorb their patterns of speech.

5. Expand Your English Vocabulary

A rich vocabulary is a hallmark of language fluency. While it's essential to learn the fundamentals of English, it's equally important to explore more advanced words and phrases. Reading books, newspapers, and articles in English exposes you to diverse vocabulary. Make a habit of noting unfamiliar words and their meanings. Incorporate these new words into your everyday conversations, and you'll not only enhance your language skills but also sound more like a native speaker with a wide-ranging vocabulary.

6. Use Contractions

Contractions are a fundamental aspect of spoken English. Native speakers regularly use contractions to simplify phrases and make their speech flow more smoothly. For example, instead of saying "I am," they often use the contraction "I'm." Other common contractions include "you're," "he's," "she's," "it's," "we're," and "they're." These contractions are prevalent in everyday conversations and contribute to the natural flow of speech. Practice using contractions in your speech to sound more natural and fluent, as native speakers do.

7. Find Your Speaking Volume

Finding the right speaking volume is pivotal in sounding like a native English speaker. Native speakers effortlessly adjust their volume to suit the context, whether it's a hushed conversation in a library, a lively discussion at a cafe, or a dynamic presentation in a boardroom. Being able to match the appropriate volume demonstrates an innate understanding of the social norms and expectations of English speakers. Speaking too softly can lead to miscommunication, while speaking too loudly can be perceived as impolite. Striking the right balance in your volume not only enhances your communication but also helps you seamlessly blend into various English-speaking environments, allowing you to engage with native speakers more effectively.

Watch BoldVoice Coach Adeola Rose share some tips on how to find your right volume when addressing a group:

8. Practice English Idioms

 It’s important to learn and use English idioms and vocabulary to sound more natural to native speakers. Familiarity with commonly used phrases and expressions will make you sound more relatable and confident in American social settings. Here are a few examples of phrases and their meanings that you can learn to impress a native English speaker!

  • “Don't Cry Over Spilled Milk”: Don't waste time worrying about something that has already happened and cannot be changed. Example: "I accidentally deleted the file, but there's no use crying over spilled milk. I'll redo it."

  • “The Ball Is in Your Court”: It's your turn to make a decision or take action. Example: "I've given you all the information you need. Now the ball is in your court."

  • “Catch Someone Red-Handed”: To catch someone in the act of doing something wrong or illegal. Example: "The security camera caught him red-handed, stealing from the store."

9. Think in English

A significant shift in your language-learning journey involves thinking in English rather than translating from your native language. Try to think in English, your speech becomes more spontaneous and fluid because you aren't preoccupied with translation. This transition requires practice and dedication. Engage in internal monologues in English, and challenge yourself to think in English throughout your daily activities. This mental shift not only improves your fluency but also contributes to sounding like a native speaker.

10. Learn English Rhythm

Learning English rhythm involves understanding the rising and falling intonation patterns that distinguish questions from statements. To best gauge the rhythm of English speech, listen to and imitate your native speaker friends, characters from your favorite TV shows, or the podcasts and audiobooks of your favorite creators. Recording yourself is also a helpful strategy to identify areas of improvement—you might catch a habit you didn’t realize you had!

In the video below, you can review the ways in which native speakers use intonation patterns to ask questions:

11. Keep Up to Date on English News

Sounding like a native English speaker isn't just about pronunciation and vocabulary; it's also about engaging in meaningful conversations on a wide range of topics. Staying informed about current events, trends, and pop culture is essential. Knowing about the latest news, movies, music, and other relevant topics allows you to participate in discussions that are relatable and engaging. You can read English newspapers, watch news broadcasts, or follow English-language websites and blogs to stay up-to-date.

12. Practice Your Accent and Get Feedback

Ultimately, practice and feedback are the vital components that will help with accent reduction. Repeat your English pronunciation exercises frequently and in various settings to ensure you develop confidence in your speaking. It’s important to stay consistent with your practice, so find methods that you enjoy and don’t find daunting. 

You shouldn’t feel like you need to embark on your accent learning journey alone. While self-assessing yourself through recordings can be useful, it can also be extremely effective to contact a coach or tutor who specializes in accent training, as both a conversation partner and someone to hold you accountable. BoldVoice offers private sessions from our expert Hollywood coaches.

Speech recognition and training apps are also a great tool for immediate, precise feedback. Today’s expert-verified technology accurately identifies areas necessary for improvement, which can expedite your progress while still going at your personal pace.


Sounding like a native English speaker is a valuable skill that can open doors to enhanced communication and put you a step further in your career opportunities. Whether you're an aspiring professional or simply want to improve your fluency, the journey to achieving native-level English is worth the effort.

BoldVoice can be your partner on this journey, providing detailed tutorials from experts and instant feedback on your progress.

Don't let language barriers hold you back. Start your journey to sounding like a native speaker today, and experience the transformative power of clear communication. Your future self will thank you!

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Eliza Simpson
Eliza Simpson
Speech & Accent Coach at BoldVoice
About the author
Eliza Simpson is a Hollywood speech and accent coach based in New York City. She holds a Degree in Acting from Rutgers University and has trained at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater in London. As a speech and dialect coach, Eliza has worked in film and TV for productions appearing on Netflix, Hulu, and Apple TV+. Eliza is a head coach on the BoldVoice app.
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