
30 English Small Talk Topics for Casual Conversation in America

In America, small talk makes the world go ‘round. Choosing the right English small talk topics - whether you’re interacting with friends, colleagues, or meeting someone for the first time - is essential to finding success with basic conversation in English and developing lasting relationships.
March 15, 2024
Eliza Simpson
Eliza Simpson
Speech & Accent Coach at BoldVoice
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Small talk is the art of engaging in light, informal conversation, typically centered around neutral topics such as the weather, hobbies, or current events. It serves as a social lubricant, facilitating initial interactions and establishing rapport between individuals in various settings. 

Without further ado, let’s explore 30 excellent English small talk topics and conversation starters for English learners.

1. Weather

Weather, the perennial favorite of small talk topics, is a great icebreaker in any situation. Whether you're waiting for a bus or standing in line at a coffee shop, discussing the weather is a surefire way to start a conversation. 

Conversation Starter: "Isn't the weather beautiful today? It's such a relief from the hot spell we've been having lately."

2. Sports

Sports fandom is widespread in America, with countless fans passionately following their favorite teams and athletes.  

Sharing opinions about recent matches, discussing player performances, or even debating the outcome of upcoming games can spark lively conversations. Sports provide a common ground for people to bond over shared interests, making it a go-to topic for casual small talk.

Conversation Starter: "Did you catch the game last night?"

3. Local Events

Local events are excellent conversation starters, offering a glimpse into the cultural happenings and community activities in your area.

Asking for recommendations or sharing experiences from past events can also foster engaging conversations and help you connect with others on a more personal level. So, keep an eye out for posters, social media announcements, or word-of-mouth buzz about exciting happenings in your community!

Conversation Starter: "Have you heard about the [local event]? It sounds like it's going to be a lot of fun!"

4. Movies / Television

Movies and television shows are universal conversation topics that offer endless opportunities for discussion.

Sharing your favorite films or TV programs and asking others about theirs can lead to lively exchanges of opinions, recommendations, and even friendly debates about plot twists and character developments. 

Conversation Starter: "Have you seen any good movies or TV shows lately? I'm looking for recommendations!"

5. Art

Art is a captivating topic that can spark intriguing conversations about creativity, expression, and aesthetics. Remember, you’re looking to form connections, so lean into your own interests whether that’s paintings, sculptures, photography, or other forms of artistic expression. 

Sharing your experiences from visiting art galleries, museums, or street art installations can provide insight into different artistic movements and styles while also allowing you to connect with others over shared cultural interests.

Conversation Starter: "Have you visited any interesting art exhibitions lately? I went to one last week, and it was absolutely fascinating!"

6. Music

Music is a universal language that transcends cultural barriers and brings people together through shared emotions and experiences.

Sharing playlists, concert experiences, or even discussing the latest hits can lead to vibrant conversations that deepen your appreciation for music and help you connect with others on a more personal level. 

If you're a music enthusiast or simply curious about exploring new tunes, incorporate that into your small talk!

Conversation Starter: "What kind of music do you enjoy listening to? I've been really into [genre/artist] lately."

7. Food

Food is a delightful topic that appeals to everyone's senses and brings people together around the table. Asking about favorite dishes, sharing food-related anecdotes, or even discussing cultural food traditions can lead to engaging conversations that satisfy both the appetite and the soul. 

Conversation Starter: "Have you tried any new restaurants lately?”

8. Hobbies

Hobbies are a wonderful topic for conversation, as they provide insight into people's interests, passions, and creative pursuits. No matter what you enjoy - gardening, painting, playing an instrument, or hiking - discussing hobbies allows you to connect with others on a personal level and discover shared interests. 

Conversation Starter: "I've recently taken up [hobby] - have you ever tried it?"

9. Career

Discussing careers can provide valuable insights into people's professional journeys, aspirations, and interests. Whether you're talking about your own career or asking about someone else's, discussing work can lead to meaningful conversations about goals, challenges, and achievements. 

Conversation Starter: "What do you do for work?”

10. Travel

plane wings outside plane window

Travel is a captivating topic that invites stories of exploration, discovery, and cultural experiences. Talking about travel can ignite a sense of wanderlust and curiosity, whether you're discussing past vacations, dream destinations, or travel plans.

Conversation Starter: "Do you have any travel plans coming up?”

11. Books

Books are a gateway to imagination, knowledge, and inspiration, making them a fantastic topic for conversation. If you’re a reader at heart, lean into discussing your favorite novels, non-fiction works, or recent reads.

You might exchange thoughts on character development, plot twists, or the underlying messages of a book, fostering connections with others who share your love of reading.

Conversation Starter: "Have you read any good books lately? I'm always on the lookout for recommendations!"

12. Hometown

Your hometown is a treasure trove of memories, experiences, and unique characteristics, making it an excellent topic for conversation.

Asking about someone’s hometown is a very basic English conversation starter that can help you to get acquainted with someone new. Sharing stories about growing up in your hometown, describing iconic landmarks, or recommending must-visit places can spark lively discussions and create a sense of nostalgia. 

Conversation Starter: "Where are you from?"

13. Current Events

Current events are a window into the world around us, offering endless topics for conversation and reflection.

Whether you're a news junkie or simply curious about the world around you, current events are a fantastic topic for casual small talk that connects us to the broader currents of human experience.

Conversation Starter: "Have you been keeping up with the news lately? What are your thoughts on [recent event]? "

14. Mutual Connections

Mutual connections offer a fascinating opportunity to discover shared ties and commonalities with others.

Exchanging stories about how you met your mutual connection, reminiscing about shared experiences, or sharing updates about their lives can spark lively discussions and deepen your understanding of each other's social circles. You might discover unexpected connections or common interests that strengthen your bond and foster a sense of camaraderie. 

Conversation Starter: “I recently found out that we both know [mutual friend or acquaintance]. Small world! How do you know them?"

15. Holidays

Holidays are a time of celebration, reflection, and shared experiences, making them a wonderful topic for conversation.

You might exchange tips for holiday shopping, share anecdotes about memorable holiday moments, or even brainstorm ideas for new ways to celebrate.  

Conversation Starter: "Do you have any special plans for the upcoming holidays?"

16. Health and Fitness

The best conversation starters are the ones that touch on your own interests and knowledge. If you’re a health and fitness buff, consider incorporating that into your American small talk.

Sharing your experiences with different types of exercise, discussing favorite healthy recipes, or even swapping tips for staying motivated can spark engaging conversations that promote personal growth and self-care. 

Conversation Starter: "Do you have any favorite ways to stay active and healthy? I've been trying out some new workout routines lately."

17. Jokes

Jokes are universal icebreakers that lighten the mood and bring joy to conversations.

Conversation Starter: Share a classic one-liner, witty anecdote, or humorous observation to get the ball rolling on a friendly and casual conversation.

18. Traffic

Commuting and traffic are common experiences that many people can relate to, making them excellent topics for conversation. Whether you're discussing your daily commute or exchanging tips for navigating busy roads, talking about commuting and traffic can lead to relatable exchanges and shared frustrations.

Conversation Starter: "How's your commute been lately? Traffic seems to be getting worse every day!"

19. Nature

Nature and hiking are wonderful topics for conversation, offering opportunities to connect with others over a shared love for the great outdoors.  You might exchange recommendations for must-visit hiking destinations or share photos of breathtaking views.

Conversation Starter: "Have you been out on any good hiking trails lately? I love spending time in [local park/nature reserve]."

20. Pets

Pets are beloved companions that bring joy, comfort, and companionship to people's lives, making them a delightful topic for conversation.  

Sharing anecdotes about pet personalities, discussing the joys and challenges of pet ownership, or even showing off photos of adorable pets can spark lively discussions and create connections based on mutual love and appreciation for animals.

Conversation Starter: "Do you have any pets? I've been thinking about getting a [dog/cat/fish]."

21. Tech News

Tech news is always buzzing with exciting innovations and advancements, making it an excellent topic for conversation. This is an especially fitting small talk opener if you work in an industry related to tech and find yourself at a networking event or interacting with new colleagues.

Sharing updates about the latest smartphones, discussing breakthroughs in artificial intelligence, or even debating the impact of technology on society can spark engaging conversations that offer new perspectives and ideas. 

Conversation Starter: "Have you heard about [tech company]’s latest developments? I read an article about [recent tech news], and it's pretty fascinating!"

22. Podcasts

Podcasts have become a popular form of entertainment and learning, offering a wide range of topics and perspectives to explore. Sharing recommendations for favorite podcasts, discussing memorable episodes, or even debating different podcast genres and formats can spark lively conversations that offer new insights and ideas. 

Conversation Starter: "Do you listen to podcasts? I've been hooked on [podcast name] lately.”

23. Style

Complimenting someone's style is a great way to initiate a positive and uplifting conversation. By praising a person’s fashion choices or complimenting specific elements of their outfit, you acknowledge choices that that person has made intentionally and express your appreciation for their stylistic taste.

Plus, complimenting someone's style can lead to discussions about fashion trends, personal preferences, and even shopping tips, creating an opportunity to bond over shared interests and experiences.

Conversation Starter: "I have to say, I really adore your earrings. Your outfit looks fantastic!"

24. Weekends

Weekends are a time to unwind, recharge, and enjoy leisure activities - they’re also an excellent topic for small talk. Whether you're discussing weekend plans, sharing past weekend adventures, or brainstorming ideas for fun activities, talking about weekends can lead to engaging exchanges and shared excitement. 

Conversation Starter: "Got any exciting plans for the weekend?”

25. Advice

Asking for advice is a great way to start a conversation and show that you value someone's expertise or perspective. If you're seeking guidance on a personal dilemma, professional challenge, or decision-making process, requesting input can lead to meaningful exchanges and mutual support. 

Conversation Starter: "Hey, do you have a minute? I could really use some advice on [topic]."

26. Your Day

Asking about someone's day is a classic way to initiate conversation and show that you care about their well-being. Perfect for when you're catching up with a friend, colleague, or acquaintance, talking about your day can lead to engaging exchanges and shared experiences. 

Conversation Starter: "How's your day been so far?"

27. The Venue

Discussing the venue is a great way to break the ice and share impressions of your surroundings. Whether you're at a party, event, or restaurant, talking about the venue can lead to engaging exchanges and shared experiences. 

Conversation Starter: "What do you think of the venue? I love the atmosphere here!"

28. Family

Family is a rich and meaningful topic for conversation, offering insight into a person's background, values, and relationships. When discussing family, it’s important to keep things light and not dig too deep into topics your conversation partner might not want to discuss.

Conversation Starter: "My brother is coming to town this weekend. Do you have any siblings?"

29. Education

Education is a fascinating topic that offers insight into a person's learning experiences, interests, and aspirations.

Generally, asking about a person’s education is a safe bet to have them reminiscing about fond memories and start the conversation off on the right foot. Not everybody pursues higher education, however, so try your best to only broach the subject when it’s relevant.

Conversation Starter: "Where did you go to college?”

30. Accomplishments

Complimenting someone's accomplishments or awards is a wonderful way to acknowledge their hard work, talent, and dedication. Whether you're praising their professional achievements, academic success, or personal milestones, offering a genuine compliment can uplift their spirits and strengthen your connection. 

Conversation Starter: "I just wanted to say congratulations on your [recent accomplishment]! It's truly impressive, and you should be proud of yourself."

Master Basic Conversation in English with BoldVoice

Small talk is essential to forming relationships of all sorts in America, and these top 30 English small talk topics are just what you need to master the skill.

Remember, small talk doesn’t need to be complicated. In fact, it’s best when it’s not! Keep your conversation starters simple, and allow the conversation to flow naturally with a comfortable back-and-forth.

Another element to effective small talk is your ability to speak with clarity and confidence. If you’re looking to improve your spoken English and become unstoppable in American small talk, take advantage of BoldVoice’s free 7-day trial and start mastering your American accent today.

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Eliza Simpson
Eliza Simpson
Speech & Accent Coach at BoldVoice
About the author
Eliza Simpson is a Hollywood speech and accent coach based in New York City. She holds a Degree in Acting from Rutgers University and has trained at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater in London. As a speech and dialect coach, Eliza has worked in film and TV for productions appearing on Netflix, Hulu, and Apple TV+. Eliza is a head coach on the BoldVoice app.
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